Nor1020 NorXfer
Nor1020 NorXfer software is a program for downloading and converting to Excel of Norsonic measurements from Nor131, Nor132, Nor139 and Nor140 sound level meters.
Unlike the NorConvert you have a browser feature for full freedom of selecting the measurement files to transfer. Optionally a controlling and remote downloading via 3G/4G is possible.
The basic version is freeware and is included when purchasing a sound level meter.
- Transfer software for reading-in and converting measured data from Nor131, Nor132, Nor139 and Nor140 sound level meters and analysers to a PC.
- Basic version supports transfer via USB, RS232 or parallel interfaces as well as PC-cards and SD cards.
- Results may be shown numerically on screen. It is also possible to generate an overview – a selected number of results from different measurement files into one MS Excel® file.
- Seamless integration to all Norsonic post processing and control programs.
- Conversion of the transferred data to text format or Microsoft® Excel format.
- Supports optionally also PSTN modem and GSM modem (option 1).
- Optionally instrument control for manual setup and download of data via modem or cable (option 2).
- Version 6 of NorXfer is needed with the new NorReview version 6.