VX-56RT Octave Band Analysis

This program card contains software that adds 1/3 octave band real-time analysis capability to the Tri-axial Groundborne Vibration Meter VM-56.

Measurement data is displayed through graphs and is also being stored in CSV formats, which allows processing on a computer, using general application software.

Measurement data processing macros can be downloaded from the RION website, making it easy to import, auto store and display data in graph format.

Vibration Acceleration Level and Frequency-Weighted Bands

1/3 octave band analysis can be carried out for the following items. It is also possible to specify user weighting values for each band separately:

  • Time-weighted instantaneous value Inst
  • Time-averaged value Calc
  • Time-weighted maximum value Calc Max
  • Tri-axial synthesis value aw,i

With the Auto Store, Timer Auto and Standard “General” settings, user-weighting can be applied to the effective instantaneous acceleration values for individual band data collected at 1/3 octave intervals, to measure the OA tri-axial synthesis “aw,i” value.

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